Friday, June 18, 2010

Super Doctor

June 11, 220 AD
Hubei, China

Does not give a f---

This guy named Hua Tuo is like the most amazing doctor ever. He can heal every single sick person and his methods never fail. One day he receives a house call to treat the arrow wound of a famous general named Guan Yu. Hua Tuo takes a look at the wound and gravely shakes his head, muttering, "The arrow has penetrated deep, and it was poisoned. Unless drastic measures are immediately taken, the entire arm will need to be amputated."

"What drastic measures?" queries Guan Yu.

"An operation so painful that I will have to prepare you for it by first erecting a large pole, linking a metal hoop around the pole, then sticking your arm through the hoop and binding it against the pole to make sure you don't pull away."

"The pole and hoop won't be necessary," says Guan Yu, who proceeds to sit down, enjoy a brew, and play chess with a friend, remaining utterly unfazed throughout the entire process, which involves removing the bandage, opening the wound, slicing away the infected flesh, exposing the bare bone, and finally creating a horrific sound by scraping away the poisoned portion of bone.

Guan Yu gets up, yawns, stretches out, and thanks Hua Tuo. Those in the vicinity are thoroughly impressed.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Breaking News

June 11, 2010
Henan, China

A bunch of photographers hire a model to sit naked on a rock so that they can practice their human figure photography. Suddenly, a mob of angry villagers appears, shouting and wielding sticks, led by an old man shouting "This is an immoral disgrace!" They attempt to attack the model, whom the photographers rally to protect.

"They do not understand art," claimed the photographers

Friday, June 4, 2010

Book Recommendation

Do you think clean energy is good for the environment? That the rise of agriculture was intentional? Or that technological progress has any potential for solving the current ecological crisis? Well, YOU ARE WRONG!

To find out why, as well as learning a variety of fascinating information on the important role of decomposition in healthy ecosystems, humanity's misguided attempts to harness nuclear energy, and the striking parallels between human and insect agriculture, read "The Spherical Mind," by Adam Oswald.